Aunque ya hemos hablado del azul el martes cuando dedicamos el día al color azul turquesa (si os lo perdisteis podéis verlo pinchando aquí) vamos a hablar de nuevo del azul pero esta vez del azul más primario.
Although we already talked about blue on Tuesday, in the post about turquoise blue (if you missed it you can review it by clicking here) we will talk about blue again, but now about the more primary blue.
Although we already talked about blue on Tuesday, in the post about turquoise blue (if you missed it you can review it by clicking here) we will talk about blue again, but now about the more primary blue.
El azul refleja un entorno calmo, relajante y descansado. El azul es un color que se asocia con lo masculino. Es uno de los colores más populares y hará que una habitación parezca más amplia. Los techos de color azul claro, como si de un cielo falso con nubes se tratara, son relajantes especialmente en los dormitorios. Al ser un color frío, es muy indicado en habitaciones muy cálidas.
Blue suggest a calm, relaxing and peaceful environment. Blue is a colour associated with masculinity. It is one of the most popular colours, and it makes a room look more spacious. Ceilings in light blue, as if it were a false, cloudy sky, are specially relaxing in bedrooms. Being it a cold colour, it is appropriate for very warm rooms.
Blue suggest a calm, relaxing and peaceful environment. Blue is a colour associated with masculinity. It is one of the most popular colours, and it makes a room look more spacious. Ceilings in light blue, as if it were a false, cloudy sky, are specially relaxing in bedrooms. Being it a cold colour, it is appropriate for very warm rooms.
Es el color del cielo y del mar. En decoración suele combinarse mucho con el blanco:
It is the colour of the sea and the sky. In decoration, it is usually combined with white.
It is the colour of the sea and the sky. In decoration, it is usually combined with white.
Suele ser muy utilizado en baños:
It is also very much used in bathrooms:
It is also very much used in bathrooms:
Es el color típico de los ambientes costeros y marineros: coordinado con blancos, con rojos o con maderas y fibras naturales es un rotundo acierto para conseguir este estilo:
It is the typical colour from seaside and nautical scenes: combined with white or red shades, or with wood and natural fibers, it is definitely a right choice to achieve this style.
It is the typical colour from seaside and nautical scenes: combined with white or red shades, or with wood and natural fibers, it is definitely a right choice to achieve this style.
En su tonalidad más grisácea, es un color elegante y sobrio que combina perfectamente con platas, grises, beiges y maderas que le aporten la calidez que le falta:In its more greyish shade, it is a sober and elegant colour, which perfectly combines with silver, grey, beige and wood, which give the colour the warmth it lacks:
Y una vez más, termino con una preciosa fachada en este color. ¿No os evoca al norte? ¿A parajes y lugares fríos? La verdad es que no podía ser de otro modo al ser un color frío...
Once again, I conclude with a beautiful façade in this colour. Doesn't it remind you of the north? Of cold places and spots? It couldn't be otherwise, being it a cold colour...
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Todas las imágenes son de mi Ideabook y mi Pinterest
All pictures from my Ideabook and my Pinterest |
Se ha acabado la semana dedicada al color y la verdad es que no he hablado de mis colores actualmente preferidos en decoración: blancos, beiges, tostados, grises y marrones. Eso daría para otra semana más de inspiración... :-)
So, the week of colour is over, and yet I have not talked about my true favourite colours in decoration: white, beige, tanned, grey and brown shades. For sure, this will make for another full week of inspiration... :-)
Bueno, todo se andará.
Well, maybe in the future...
Que paséis un buen fin de semana!!!
Have a nice weekend!!!
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