Seguimos con ideas decorativas vistas en la Feria Giftrends en Madrid. En el post de ayer os hablé de una de las tendencias decorativas que siguen con nosotros un tiempo más: el estilo vintage/retro/industrial. Hoy seguimos con este estilo pero con ideas para recubrir nuestras paredes.
We continue with decorative ideas shown in the Fair Giftrends in Madrid. In the yesterday post I spoke to you about one of the decorative trends that continue with us one more time: the style vintage/retro/industrial. Today we continue with this style but with ideas to cover our walls.
We continue with decorative ideas shown in the Fair Giftrends in Madrid. In the yesterday post I spoke to you about one of the decorative trends that continue with us one more time: the style vintage/retro/industrial. Today we continue with this style but with ideas to cover our walls.
En mi visita a la Feria tuve la oportunidad de conocer los papeles pintados de una empresa que desde 1964 se dedica a su fabricación: Kemen Wallcoverings. La empresa, de carácter familiar, presentaba una gama de papeles pintados muy amplia y en diferentes estilos.
In my visit to the Fair I had the opportunity to know the wallpapers with a company that from 1964 dedicates to manufacture it: Kemen Wallcoverings. The company, of familiar character, was presenting a very wide range of identical papers and in different styles.
In my visit to the Fair I had the opportunity to know the wallpapers with a company that from 1964 dedicates to manufacture it: Kemen Wallcoverings. The company, of familiar character, was presenting a very wide range of identical papers and in different styles.
Me llamaron la atención varios de sus catálogos con papeles de estilo industrial y retro pero también lo hicieron otros con fotomurales, con texturas de maderas viejas y decapadas muy logradas o con cenefas pintadas con motivos ingleses preciosos.
They were called me my attention several of his catalogues with papers of industrial and retro style but also they it did others with photomurals, with textures of old and scaled wood or with trimmings painted with English precious motives.
They were called me my attention several of his catalogues with papers of industrial and retro style but also they it did others with photomurals, with textures of old and scaled wood or with trimmings painted with English precious motives.
Siguiendo con el estilo vintage que tan de moda está, quiero mostraros unos ejemplos de los papeles que esta empresa incorpora en sus catálogos Bilbao, Nagusi y Urban. Os animo de verdad a que busquéis y preguntéis por ellos en vuestras tiendas de decoración habituales.
Following with the vintage style that so fashionable is, I want to show you a few examples of the papers that this company incorporates in his catalogues Bilbao, Nagusi and Urban. From here, I encourage you indeed that you look and ask about them in your habitual shops of decoration.
Following with the vintage style that so fashionable is, I want to show you a few examples of the papers that this company incorporates in his catalogues Bilbao, Nagusi and Urban. From here, I encourage you indeed that you look and ask about them in your habitual shops of decoration.
Rememorando recortes de periódico antiguos (este papel me encanta para animar un aseo de invitados revistiéndolo hasta media altura con un friso pintado y empapelando hasta el techo con el papel):
Recalling ancient cuts of newspaper (I am charmed with this paper to encourage a guests' bathroom ):
Al más puro estilo industrial simulando chapas de metal con remaches (este papel me gusta para dar protagonismo a una pared en el salón o al tiro de la chimenea por ejemplo):
To the purest industrial style simulating metal sheets with clinches (I like this paper to give protagonism to a wall in the lounge or to the shot of the chimney for example):
Me recuerda a los antiguos planos industriales (me parece ideal para una oficina):
He remember me the old industrial planes (it seems to me to be ideal for an office):
He remember me the old industrial planes (it seems to me to be ideal for an office):
Y del catálogo Urban me gustaron estos dos modelos de papel en sus respectivos tonos:
And the Urban catalogue like me these two models of paper pleased in his respective tones:
Con un aspecto totalmente retro, rememorando los viejos tiempos de Hollywood (perfecto para revestir una de las paredes del salón e incluso de una habitación principal):
With an style totally retro, recalling the old times of Hollywood (perfect to re-dress one of the walls in the lounge and even in a principal room):
También de estilo retro pero esta vez recordando los viejos comics (muy divertido para un salón o una pared de una habitación juvenil):
Also of style retro but this time remembering the old comics (very entertained for a lounge or a wall of a juvenile room):
Me parecen perfectos para dar el toque maestro a una pared convirtiéndola en protagonista sin necesidad de accesorios o piezas decorativas extras.
They seem to me to be perfect to give the main touch to a wall turning into a protagonist without need of accessories or decorative pieces extras.
They seem to me to be perfect to give the main touch to a wall turning into a protagonist without need of accessories or decorative pieces extras.
Espero que os hayan gustado tanto como a mí!!
I hope that you have liked so much like to me!!
Mañana hablaremos de otra de las tendencias vistas en la Feria Giftrends de Madrid: el estilo desgastado.
Tomorrow we will speak about other one about the trends dress in the Fair Giftrends of Madrid: the spoiled carpets.
Si os lo perdisteis y queréis ver el vídeo del tour completo por la Feria podéis verlo en este post anterior o en mi canal Youtube.
If you got lost it and you want to see the video of the complete tour for the Fair can see it in this previous post or in my channel Youtube.
I hope that you have liked so much like to me!!
Mañana hablaremos de otra de las tendencias vistas en la Feria Giftrends de Madrid: el estilo desgastado.
Tomorrow we will speak about other one about the trends dress in the Fair Giftrends of Madrid: the spoiled carpets.
Si os lo perdisteis y queréis ver el vídeo del tour completo por la Feria podéis verlo en este post anterior o en mi canal Youtube.
If you got lost it and you want to see the video of the complete tour for the Fair can see it in this previous post or in my channel Youtube.
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